Journal Club 10-20-17
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Every other week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After manually filtering through the millions of articles out there on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this week.
Here’s our Journal Club for the week, enjoy!
- As many of you know already, this week was a big week for me. I finally became financially free from medicine, and I couldn't have done it without the right personal finance education. If you're looking to forge a similar path, Mustard Seed Money created “The Twelve Pillars To Reaching FIRE” to help those looking to become more financially-inclined.
- In fact, there was a ton of information circulating the blogosphere this past week with some great advice on managing your finances. Some Random Guy Online warns his readers to learn from his mistake in “Don't Become A Helicopter Investor”
- 1500 Days shared a guest post this week from Money Miser with an interesting perspective. Check out his thoughts in “Run Your Life Like A Business”
- If you've been reading the news lately, you know how devastating the Equifax hack has been to this country. There are always people out there trying to steal information and it's important to be able to protect your finances. Wallet Hacks shares some great tips for protecting yourself against similar attacks in “How To Build A Bank Account Firewall”
- How many of you remember the pressing questions you had in premed about the future of your career? Did any of those questions involve your financial future? If not, don't worry, Smart Money MD is covering the “Five things I Wish I Knew About Finance Before Going Into Medicine”
- But with all this amazing advice, be careful not to ignore the truly important stuff. I've previously shared my reason to push for financial independence and Millennial Money talks about just that in “Money Is Not The Goal, Time Is.”
- I loved the honesty in this post by Frugal Asian Finance where she shared some of her PhD program experiences, fears and “failures” in “The Life of a Poor PhD Student”.
- A popular concern in the personal finance world is whether being frugal is being cheap. My Strategic Dollar shares his thoughts on the subject in his recent post, “Be Frugal, Not Cheap”.
A little bit of motivation below. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.