Journal Club 4-24-20
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Here's Journal Club 4-24-20! Every week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After manually filtering through the millions of articles out there on the web so you don't have to, and I present a few that impacted my life this week. Be safe and stay well!
- Finding balance is hard during a “normal” life period. Add a global pandemic to the mix, and sometimes it feels nearly impossible. Some of us aren't working as much, since elective surgeries are canceled for the time being and patient visits have been kept to a minimum. The Physician Philosopher shares 5 ways to make sure to keep work-life balance while at home more during COVID quarantine. He also has a waiting list for his new course, if you want to check it out. It turns out, I've got some really productive doctor friends in my network because the White Coat Investor has some courses out, too!
- In times like these, it’s important to use our platforms to help keep one another informed, especially if it’s information that can keep ourselves and others safe and healthy. Anjali Jariwala's husband, who is also a physician and on the front lines, wrote about his thinking on how to reduce the risk of bringing the novel coronavirus home. Here are some useful tips on how to keep yourself and your loved ones – including your young children – safe and free from the virus that's caused a global pandemic. Read about the precautions that Udai Jayakumar is taking against COVID-19 on the FIT Advisors blog. If you missed part one of the two-part series, you can read it here.
- If you read my blog posts even in the slightest, you know how much I cannot stress enough that having multiple income streams is so, so important. Even as a physician, our salaries are not secure and it is not enough to depend on a doctor's salary alone. Many of us have learned that during these challenging times with the global pandemic. Think Save Retire recently shared a blog post about how to create multiple income streams, and fast! It's a pretty comprehensive guide, so take a look.
- Speaking of building multiple streams of income, Dr. David Draghinas of the Doctors Unbound Podcast recently interviewed Dr. Mike Woo-Ming, who has a lot of experience in marketing and building extra streams of income. Two events made Dr. Woo-Ming question the trajectory of his life and career. He realized that instead of having to see more patients or taking extra calls to increase his financial independence, he needed to find extra streams of income that didn’t rely on “pay for performance.” Check out this episode to find out how he found and created multiple streams of income as a physician.
I hope Journal Club 4-24-20 was helpful to you.
A little bit of motivation below. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.