Journal Club 7-11-19 - Passive Income MD Shop

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Journal Club 7-11-19

Journal Club 7-11-19

July 11, 2019 • 3 Min Read

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Every other week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After manually filtering through the millions of articles out there on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this month.

Here’s our Journal Club for the week, enjoy!

  • You've got kids. Why not give them a job? Semi-Retired MD has grand advice on what the best jobs are for your little tikes. They also answer questions that usually, as parents, we often wonder about when it comes to employing them from birth to adults! Yes, you read that right.
  • Doctor Finance MD features Vagabond MD who was on the brink of burnout until he found his dream job two years later. Remake your career on terms suitable for you. Sure can. Here's a blog I'm sure you can relate to.

A little bit of motivation below. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Journal Club 7-11-19

Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.

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