Journal Club 7-25-19
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Every other week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After manually filtering through the millions of articles out there on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this month.
- But before I get to this week's journal club, I have to mention that my friends Kenji & Leti (physician couple behind the blog SemiRetiredMD) have created a new course called Zero to Freedom Through Cashflowing Rentals. It will teach you the exact strategies they used to create financial freedom through investing in rental properties.
- If you've followed this blog at all, you know that I'm a huge fan of investing in my own rental properties. Cash flow is what gives you options in life – how to spend your time, how much to work, where to contribute, etc. Take a look here, I'll be taking it alongside you.
Here’s our Journal Club for the week, enjoy!
- If you have an investing plan, you know you're a serious investor. And what makes you even more serious is knowing you put your money in the best place for the best use. White Coat Investor shares why having an investment plan helps you avoid any ambiguity in the way your money works for you.
- You might be on a path of financial freedom and going about it in various ways. But, what if the question, “can I go back to work?” creeps in? Can I Retire Yet explains what happens when you have an encounter like this of your own?
- Speed is good in races and deadlines, but it's not so good for investments, says Millionaire Doc. Case in point with crowdfunding. Here's why speed creates problems such as the lack of time for due diligence when on the hunt for high-quality investments.
- Is there only one way to achieve financial independence? Absolutely not. But as Wealthy Doc suggests, it all starts within your mind (and with smart moves). Here are 10 steps for reaching FI with eyes wide open and on the right path.
- Do you like paying taxes? Not everybody does, but Doc McFrugal doesn't fall into that category. In fact, his mindset is pretty positive around paying what the government says we owe. Fortunately for us, he helps us get into the same frame of mind by showing where we can build up a few credit card points along the way.
- Side hustles are a balancing act. Sometimes it's the passion that drives it, but expecting it to be profitable takes time and consistency. Pediatrician Finds FI shares where you can find money is the most unexpected places.
- Being in a tough position financially happens to the best of us. So when Dr. Bill Yount made the decision to take his financial life back, he chose geographic arbitrage. He shares his story with Dr. Dave on the Doctors Unbound Podcast.
- How can you use the 4 percent withdrawal rule for early retirement planning? How do you know when to switch from term to whole life insurance (or should you?), is it ok to keep your assets at one investment brokerage? Paula Pant with Afford Anything shares in this podcast episode.
A little bit of motivation below. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.