Journal Club 9-17-21 - Passive Income MD Shop

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Journal Club 9-17-21

Journal Club 9-17-21

September 17, 2021 • 2 Min Read

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Here's Journal Club 9/17/21! Every week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After filtering through the articles on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this week. Be safe and stay well!

Quick reminder: The Passive Real Estate Academy Course is launching on Wednesday, Sept. 20th. This course will teach you everything you need to know to invest in passive real estate deals (syndications) with confidence. The special Early Bird sale starts tomorrow and ends 9/19. Make sure to sign up on the waitlist here to have access to the discount.

  • Here’s an interesting question for you – what do you think determines your financial success? Is it your skillset, knowledge, or resources? According to the author of Good Egg Investments, there are several factors that affect your success rate. Most important of which is your mindset. The author shares some essential tips to set yourself up for success in the article – How To Cultivate Your Mindset For Financial Success.
  • As real estate investors, we consider multiple aspects before acquiring an asset, such as the type of property, price, location, layout, etc. According to Charles Mburugu, the author over at Mashvisor, there’s another point worth considering. The author highlights the pros and cons of investing in master-planned communities in the article – Should you invest in a planned community? 
  • Some millionaires believe that flaunting your wealth invites unnecessary troubles. So, they practice something called “stealth wealth.” Are you familiar with this concept? The author of One Frugal Girl debunks some of the reasons behind practicing this idea and shares her take on the topic in the article – Stealth Wealth: The Secret Lives of Millionaires.
  • One of the first challenges of starting your own business is establishing your role and responsibilities as the CEO. It might not mean much in the early days of becoming an entrepreneur, but as the business grows, it’s important to identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on building the right team. Dr. Jeff Cornwall, a co-founder of The Entrepreneurial Mind, shares some tips for a smooth transition in the article – 7 Common Elements When Transitioning from Founder to CEO

That's all for this week! I hope this week's journal club was helpful.

Read anything interesting this week? Feel free to share it in the comments below!

Thank you for reading and sharing!


Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.

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