Journal Club 9-20-18
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Every other week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After manually filtering through the millions of articles out there on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this month.
Here’s our Journal Club for the week, enjoy!
- Ever wonder what daily life is like for those who have crossed the FIRE threshold? Can I Retire Yet is giving readers a glimpse into his FIRE world in “A Week In The Life of a FIRE Household”.
- On a similar note, Steve Ark is asking a question that many people who reach early retirement ask themselves: “Why Am I Working If I Don't Need The Money?” A difficult question to answer, but I loved reading his own personal experience and thoughts on it.
- For those looking to take their Backdoor Roth IRA skills to the next level, White Coat Investor just republished an in-depth step by step tutorial you can refer to in “Backdoor Roth IRA Ultimate Guide and Tutorial”.
- Doctor of Finance MD interviewed Vagabond MD last week on the matter of “Burnout Factor Units”. It's a great reminder on the importance of minimizing burnout and why part-time medicine might be a great way to go for some doctors.
- “Is Focus More Important Than Intelligence?” Laurie at The Three Year Experiment thinks so and is telling us why. Do you agree?
Afford Anything recently interviewed entrepreneur Rand Fishkin on some of the lessons he's learned from his early mistakes. She's sharing 5 takeaways from the conversation in “What I've Learned From Building an 8 Figure Business – An Interview With Rand Fishkin”.
- We all want to be financially successful and if you're a reader of this blog or any of the blogs featured in Journal Club, you're already miles ahead of many people. But that doesn't always guarantee success. Millennial Money Man has some ideas why that may be and is going over them in “Four Habits Holding You Back From Your Best (Financial) Life”. Are you stuck on one of these?
- Doctors Unbound recently shared great advice on “10 Steps for Bringing Your Medical Product Idea to Market”. This one is a must listen for any physician entrepreneurs out there.
- On Episode 71 of the White Coat Investor podcast, he covers all the “Stuff I Don't Invest In” and the reasons behind those decisions.
A little bit of motivation below. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.