#162 BONUS PODCAST: 2023 SUMMER READING LIST, ft. Dr. Peter Kim - Passive Income MD Shop

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Episode #162


In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim talks about the five books he is planning to read this summer. This episode will dive into why he still reads a book in today’s digital age and how those books might make an impact on his life.

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12.54 Min • June 6

Episode Highlights

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • Why pick up a book in today’s digital age?
  • Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod
  • Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Us by Terrence Real
  • Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker
  • Die with Zero by Bill Perkins
  • Physician Real Estate and Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON)

Here’s a breakdown of how this episode unfolds.


Episode Breakdown


Why pick up a book in today’s digital age?

Dr. Peter Kim shares the reasons why he still reads traditional books. He reasons that books have an amazing capacity for growth, insight, and wisdom —all in one medium. It is like a mini course or a mini masterclass that is very convenient.

“I realized that books are where it’s at, it’s actually the best way to take advantage and leverage the experience and knowledge of the author pack so much information in one place.” — Dr. Peter Kim


Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

Peter shares how he expects this book to help him not only define his goals, but devolope the strategy to make them happen. The author proposes two decisions that need to be made in order for  your goals to become inevitable. Peter plans to apply the Miracle Equation not only to his own life, but use the insight to teach his children about resilience, acceptance, goal setting, and ultimately about persistence —not giving up. 

“He proposes two decisions to make your goals inevitable. He says unwavering faith and extraordinary effort.” — Dr. Peter Kim


Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Dr. Kim talks about how this biography piqued his interest by looking into how Steve Jobs got to the point where he completely changed and revolutionized multiple industries.

“My hope is that I can get some sort of insight into the mind of this crazy visionary who really wasn’t afraid to be different, to be persistent, believe in himself, and try new things.” — Dr. Peter Kim


Atomic Habits by James Clear

Dr. Peter shares how he plans to reread one of his favorite books. He urges everyone to add this book to their summer reading list. James Clear talks about how small consistent changes can lead to really big outcomes over time.

“This book talks about how to use those right strategies to make those good habits possible, in fact, inevitable.” — Dr. Peter Kim


Us by Terrence Real

Dr. Peter shares how this book talks about shifting the mindset in relationships from being self-centered and forming a partnership, a team. He shares that this book is crucial in the formation of a successful marriage. 

“So my hope in reading this book will hopefully create some insight for me on how I can be better at this. Not just thinking about my own needs, but thinking about us as a team. To really craft the type of relationship that we want.” — Dr. Peter Kim


Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker

Dr. Peter shares how this book was recommended by a friend, as it talks about the 10 secrets every father should know in order to foster a positive relationship with their daughter. 

“It’s chock full of practical advice on fatherhood. How to talk about empathy, how to engage in good communication, develop amazing self-esteem and grit, to feel empowered in life choices, and not just tell them what to do… but to make good decisions on their own.” — Dr. Peter Kim


Die with Zero by Bill Perkins

Dr. Peter shares a book he highly recommends everyone to read, it’s called Die with Zero by Bill Perkins. The book encourages rethinking approaches in how you spend your time and money to create experiences in your life that you want to maximize over saving money for a more fulfilling life.

Want to know what Dr. Peter read last summer of 2022? Read 13 Books for Summer Reading. His favorite books in investing in finance? Read Favorite Investing Finance Books


Physician Real Estate and Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON) 

Dr. Peter Kim closes by inviting everyone to join the Physician Real Estate &Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON) this September 21 – 23, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA. The event is for those who want to learn more about real estate, investing, finances, passive income, entrepreneurship, and more. 

“This year, we’re offering specific tracks that focused on real estate investing, or entrepreneurship acceleration, so you can customize your experience and focus on what matters to you the most. ” — Dr. Peter Kim

We talk in depth about all of this and more in our course–Passive Real Estate Academy. Want to learn everything about investing in real estate with confidence? You can grab your seat right here!   

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