#166 How I Revolutionized CME Education Forever, ft. Aaron Bright, MD - Passive Income MD Shop

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#166 How I Revolutionized CME Education Forever, ft. Aaron Bright, MD
Episode #166

#166 How I Revolutionized CME Education Forever, ft. Aaron Bright, MD

In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim interviews the CEO of Hippo Education, Dr. Aaron Bright. They discuss how he revolutionized CME for physicians, launching a new career, and advice to physicians on their personal entrepreneurial journey. 

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Ascent Equity Group brings this episode to you.

Ascent Equity Group

Ascent Equity Group provides doctors access to unmatched investment opportunities with exclusive sponsors. We help you build wealth through low-risk, high-growth real estate investments in strong markets throughout the U.S. giving you access to syndication sponsors with the most impressive track records. At Ascent Equity, all decisions are made in your best interest, providing transparent insight into your real estate investments’ operations, performance, and execution. We share your dream of being more present with your family, establishing wealth for the next generation, and practicing medicine on your own terms. 

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30.53 Min • July 3

Episode Highlights

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • Launching his career as a physician-entrepreneur
  • Advantages of being a physician
  • How it impacted his life and practice
  • Challenges in his entrepreneurial journey
  • More on Dr. Bright and his advice to fellow physicians
  • Physician Real Estate and Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON)

Here’s a breakdown of how this episode unfolds.


Episode Breakdown


Launching his career as a physician-entrepreneur

Peter asks Aaron how he launched Hippo Education and the idea behind the story. Dr. Bright recalls how he managed to balance his career working as a physician and starting out as a physician-entrepreneur.

“I was scratching my own itch. And it all worked out. And people actually came to Hippo Education. ”  — Dr. Aaron Bright


Advantages of being a physician 

Dr. Kim questions Dr. Bright whether being a physician holds an advantage or disadvantage in being an entrepreneur.  Dr. Aaron shares how his experiences, skillset, work ethic, and more worked in his favor when venturing into his big idea.

“It’s rare to have an opportunity to work that hard, and execute things the way that you’re used to doing it as a medical person and take that level of responsibility with it. ”  — Dr. Aaron Bright


How it impacted his life and practice

Moving forward with their conversation. Peter ponders how being an entrepreneur impacted Dr. Bright’s life and practice in medicine. Aaron answers by saying how physician burnout was a factor and how working for something he was proud of made his transition easier.

“Physicians are fighting this good fight, and they are serving people daily who are suffering. I feel like we shouldn’t let doctors burn out if we can possibly help it.”  — Dr. Aaron Bright


Challenges in his entrepreneurial journey

Dr. Peter Kim asks what were some of the other big challenges Dr. Aaron Bright encountered along the way on his entrepreneurial journey. Dr. Aaron recalls how everything wasn’t easy but it was very much worth it for him in the end.

“You can’t plan for a lot of the challenges you face. You just do your best… Your inherent skills, having got you to where you are in medicine are invaluable. And they translate across everything.”  — Dr. Aaron Bright


More on Dr. Bright and his advice to fellow physicians

Dr. Peter asked Dr. Bright what does his life look like now,  where’s it going, and where would he be in the next five years or so. Dr. Aaron answers by talking more about his drive and mission in the coming years and how he plans to achieve them. 

“Now I built something that not only am I enjoying and I have a sense of control over my time, but I’ve sort of fine-tuned my role here to be the stuff that I’m pretty good at”  — Dr. Aaron Bright


Physician Real Estate and Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON) 

Dr. Peter Kim closes by inviting everyone to join the Physician Real Estate &Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON) this September 21 – 23, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA. The event is for those who want to learn more about real estate, investing, finances, passive income, entrepreneurship, and more. 

“By attending in person, you’re gonna get exclusive access to expert speakers, panel discussions, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded high-achieving professionals like yourself. This engaging event it’s packed with amazing content, workshops, and networking opportunities.” — Dr. Peter Kim

We talk in depth about all of this and more in our course–Passive Real Estate Academy. Want to learn everything about investing in real estate with confidence? You can grab your seat right here!   

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