#170 Top 10 Real Estate Investment Opportunities for Doctors in 2023, ft. Dr. Peter Kim - Passive Income MD Shop

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Top 10 Real Estate Investment Opportunities for Doctors In 2023
Episode #170

#170 Top 10 Real Estate Investment Opportunities for Doctors in 2023, ft. Dr. Peter Kim

In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim talks about a range of real estate opportunities for physicians in 2023. He will provide the pros and cons of trending real estate investments. While discussing the factors investors should consider when looking at the top 10 real estate investment opportunities for doctors in 2023.  

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Thank you to MLG Capital for sponsoring this weeks episode…

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18.34 Min • August 1

Episode Highlights

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • Single-Door Rentals
  • Multi-Family Rentals
  • Short-Term Rentals
  • Syndications & Private Real Estate Funds
  • REITs & Real Estate ETFs
  • Real Estate Notes, Alternative Investment Opportunities, & Mineral Rights
  • Physician Real Estate & Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON)

Here’s a breakdown of how this episode unfolds.


Episode Breakdown


Single-Door Rentals

Peter talks about single-door rentals, what it is about, how it works, and his advice on this investment opportunity. He also shares how cash flow is important to keep this investment on the gain.

“Make sure the cash flow works. It’s all a numbers game, make sure that your rent more than covers the mortgage interest, taxes, insurance, and gives you some cash flow on top of that.”  — Dr. Peter Kim


Multi-Family Rentals

Dr. Kim discusses multifamily rentals or apartment buildings as another opportunity. He shares the advantages, the need for property management, and some tips on how to handle this type of asset.

“The more people you talk to, you will come to realize the amount of work that it really takes to manage an apartment building compared to a single-family rental. And that’s because as you increase your units, actually paying for more professional management makes more sense and they will help you manage the property and asset”  — Dr. Peter Kim


Short-Term Rentals

Peter talks about short-term rentals and their different platforms like Airbnb and VRBO. He shares how this opportunity gained popularity over recent years and how one can take advantage of it by understanding the market of this type of property.

“It’s absolutely essential more than ever to understand the market that you’re in, understand the demand and supply factors, understand the competition, and ultimately understand the numbers.”  — Dr. Peter Kim


Syndications & Private Real Estate Funds

Dr. Peter Kim proceeds to discuss other great real estate investment opportunities which include syndications and private real estate funds. He shares how finding the right partner is crucial for syndications and how private real estate funds can help with the diversification of your portfolio.

“Learn how to do the proper due diligence to make sure you partner with the right people in the right market with the right opportunities. ”   — Dr. Peter Kim

We talk in depth about all of this and more in our course–
Passive Real Estate Academy. Want to learn everything about investing in real estate with confidence? You can grab your seat right here!


REITs and Real Estate ETFs

Dr. Peter talks REITs and Real Estate ETFS. He discusses how REITs work as a passive income stream and are great for liquidity. He also shares how Real Estate ETFs are good for exposure to the real estate market without direct ownership.

“For many people that are investing real estate, you’re investing because you want that diversification, you want that hedge against the stock market. So if one falls, the other still stays up.”  — Dr. Peter Kim


Real Estate Notes, Alternative Investment Opportunities, & Mineral Rights

Dr. Peter talks about 3 key factors in these opportunities. For real estate notes, he shares that it is good for passive cash flow. For alternative investment opportunities, he shares how some of them are known to be recession-resistant. Lastly, for mineral rights, he shares how it is completely passive and you get royalties as an owner.

“It is absolutely important to know who you’re investing with, and who’s going to help you through the investment process, because some of these deals are quite complicated. You want to make sure you invest with the right people to help guide you through this and provide you long consistent returns.”  — Dr. Peter Kim


Physician Real Estate and Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON) 

Dr. Peter Kim closes by inviting everyone to join the Physician Real Estate &Entrepreneurship Conference (PIMDCON) this September 21 – 23, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA. The event is for those who want to learn more about real estate, investing, finances, passive income, entrepreneurship, and more. 

“By attending in person, you’re gonna get exclusive access to expert speakers, panel discussions, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded high-achieving professionals like yourself, this engaging event, it’s packed with amazing content, workshops, and networking opportunities.” — Dr. Peter Kim

We talk in depth about all of this and more in our course–Passive Real Estate Academy. Want to learn everything about investing in real estate with confidence? You can grab your seat right here!   

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