#178 Top 4 Fears Of Investing In Real Estate ft. Peter Kim, MD. - Passive Income MD Shop

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#178 Top 4 Fears Of Investing In Real Estate
Episode #178

#178 Top 4 Fears Of Investing In Real Estate ft. Peter Kim, MD.

In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim shares the top 4 fears when investing in real estate. Tune in to learn how to counter these fears so you can start your investing journey with confidence.

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12.4 Min • September 25

Episode Highlights

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • Fear 1: The Learning Curve
  • Fear 2: Time
  • Fear 3: Money
  • Fear 4: Current Market Concerns
  • Overcoming Fears by Being Well-Informed

Here’s a breakdown of how this episode unfolds.


Episode Breakdown


Fear 1: The Learning Curve

Dr. Peter Kim acknowledges that for medical professionals, venturing into real estate can seem daunting due to the new learning curve. The idea of adding more to one’s plate can seem overwhelming, however, he reassures that if one can master medicine, understanding real estate is definitely within reach. 

There are numerous resources, communities, and guides to help ease the transition. Examples of such are Passive Real Estate Academy and Passive Income docs.

“If you remember, all of us started from the very basics, and we had resources and people to guide us, I’ll tell you that real estate is exactly the same. There are a ton of resources out there if you just know what to tap into. And there are people that can guide you and help you on your journey if needed.”   — Peter Kim, MD.


Fear 2: Time

Dr. Peter Kim recognizes a common fear among busy medical professionals, not having enough time to invest in real estate. He however shares that real estate investment offers a range of options, from active to passive, allowing you to choose based on your availability and commitment. 

He emphasizes that people make time for what’s important and believes that understanding the opportunities in real estate can help overcome this fear. 

“Thinking that you don’t have enough time should never be a fear that keeps you from investing.”  — Peter Kim, MD.


Fear 3: Money

Dr. Peter Kim addresses the third common fear: the misconception that a tremendous amount of capital is needed to invest in real estate. He dispels this by sharing his personal experience of starting with just a $5,000 investment and progressively growing it, illustrating that you can start with whatever amount you possess.

He encourages everyone to explore the options available, saying that there’s likely a strategy out there that fits your financial situation and your goals.

“The world of investing in real estate is huge. There’s so many different ways to get involved. So there’s likely a strategy out there that fits your financial situation and your goals. ”  — Peter Kim, MD.


Fear 4: Current Market Concerns

Dr. Peter Kim discusses one of the biggest fears when it comes to investing, the question of right timing to invest given the current market conditions. He shares that there is a cyclical nature of markets and there are opportunities from fluctuations. You can prepare by keeping yourself in the know so you can make informed decisions.

He advises against waiting for the “perfect moment,” suggesting that the focus should be on identifying the right investment for today, even if returns might look different. 

“We educate ourselves, stick together, share opportunities and resources as well as do the due diligence. I know that we can make smart decisions together. That’s really the biggest reason we created passive Real Estate Academy to begin with”  — Peter Kim, MD.


Overcoming Fears by Being Well-Informed

Dr. Peter Kim closes by inviting everyone to join the Passive Real Estate Academy (PREA), our revolutionary platform that teaches you how to invest in real estate passively, with little or no effort in just four weeks.

The comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to know about passive real estate investing and help build that confidence so that you know you’re making a great investment choice. 

“We created this course for busy people like you. And we’re gonna guide you from every step of the way from understanding even the most basic information to understanding that jargon and understanding underwriting so you can make sure that you’re making a great investment, that you’re maximizing your returns, and minimizing your mistakes.” — Dr. Peter Kim

We talk in depth about all of this and more in our course–Passive Real Estate Academy. Want to learn everything about investing in real estate with confidence? You can grab your seat right here!   

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