#100 Seven Keys To Become A Wise Investor

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Episode #100

#100 Seven Keys To Become A Wise Investor

It’s the 100th episode of Passive Income MD!!!

22 Min • March 28

Episode Highlights

Today you will hear the backstory of how the podcast started. We will examine the sole purpose of the Passive Income MD Podcast to help you live your best life on your own terms. 

If this is the only episode you ever listen to…

Or, if this were to be the last podcast I ever recorded…

Here are seven key points you need to hear to become a wise investor.

If you listen weekly as you drive, walk your dog, or spend time in the gym…I want to thank you! I could not have gotten this far without you. Thanks for sharing this podcast with so many people, weekly the number of people who tune in increases! 

It’s been an amazing ride. 

Thanks for listening! 


Are you thinking about investing in passive real estate investments?

Have you tried investing in the past, but you weren’t confident in making good decisions in real estate, syndications of funds?

We have a resource for you! 

Passive Real Estate Academy is a 4-Week course where you will learn to invest in real estate confidently. We open up the course twice a year; the waitlist is filling up.  

The course will give you confidence, teach you to understand the process of due diligence, provide you with opportunities while connecting you to a like-minded community that has the education, and will share resources to vet deals together. 

Go to >> passiverealestateacademy.com

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • The backstory of the Passive Income MD podcast
  • For the wise investor, Peter gives seven keys to unlock your best life
  • Thank you to you, the listener, and the Passive Income MD community!

Episode Breakdown


The backstory of Passive Income MD. 

One of the first hurdles Peter had to overcome was the insecurity of his own voice and the way in which he communicated. He worked through the insecurities by being a guest speaker on other podcasts and eventually starting his own. And here we are…100 episodes later!!!


Purpose of Podcast #1: It’s all about passive income and passive cash flow.

Cash flow is how we drive our lives and how we behave. The amount of cash flow you have would alter how much you work and where you would live. The key is to figure out how much you would need to live the life you want and get there by establishing passive income streams outside of your day job.


Purpose of Podcast #2: Success is not found in strategy…but your mindset.

Do you believe you will be successful? Do you think you can establish passive income streams? Do you think you can make wise decisions? Do you believe you can learn and do the proper due diligence before investing? Mindset holds more people back than the actual strategy. Create a healthy, successful mindset by belonging to a community of like-minded investors. 


Purpose of Podcast #3: Does fear or optimism drive you? 

Fear often drives what we do in regards to choices, behavior, or what we do at work.  We fear the consequences of taking action without examining what would happen if we don’t take action.   What is your fear of inaction? If you do nothing, will you be in a worse position in 5 years, 10, and 20 years? If you do nothing…nothing will change. What holds you back?  


Purpose of Podcast #4: Knowledge is potential power.

Knowledge is only power when you take action on it.  Without action, knowledge does not matter. Taking action is the difference between getting what you want and staying where you are. If you have joined the Leverage & Growth Summit, you know that every successful entrepreneur has taken imperfect action. Early entrepreneurs keep taking steps and course-correct along the way. What step will you take today?


Purpose of Podcast #5: Learn the proper due diligence.

If you invest in passive or active real estate, learn to do due diligence. This is an ongoing process of learning with every investment opportunity. The point of due diligence does not just have good returns…

(1) Mitigating risk and not losing your hard-earned money. 

(2) Do due diligence: Is the promised potential of returns possible? Does it fit your portfolio? Is what you are looking for? 

(3) Be confident in your investment. Know why you are investing in a particular deal. Learn something from every investment and carry it into the next opportunity. 


Purpose of Podcast #6: Find the right community to surround yourself with.

You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with. Do you surround yourself with people who live with gratitude, motivated, innovated, inspired, taking steps to live their ideal life? Do the people you spend your most time with propel you to be who you want to be?


Purpose of Podcast #7: Live with an abundance mindset.

You choose to live with a scarcity or abundance mindset. With a scarcity mindset, the world is small, opportunities are limited, and with constant competition. Having an abundance mindset has a vision for limitless resources, education, and investments are available; you help another achieve without worrying that there will be competition for you. 

Join the Passive Real Estate Academy and Community


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