Seven Common Questions About Multi-Level Marketing
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Nowadays, many people can appreciate flexible, alternate sources of income, and physicians are no different. With the increasing difficulties in medicine (which I’m not going to get into. If you are here, I’m assuming you are well aware), more and more physicians are looking for other options.
However it’s not without controversy (see question 3), so the last thing I would want is for physicians to get into something they don’t understand. Same goes for any type of investing from the stock market, to real estate, and to angel investing.
7. How Much Time Does It Take to Run an MLM Business?
In our experience, the ones who do well are the ones that treat it for what it is, a true business or job. They are willing to put in the consistent effort it requires to get any new business off the ground and running. (See Three Days in the Life of Mrs. PIMD).
Having said that, for most MLMs, the initial startup “headaches” are taken care of for you: website, legal, product development, branding, etc. So as an entrepreneur you can hit the ground running with the focus on marketing, which is where the profits tend to be and why these business models are so appealing. And like with any business, the more time you put in, the more returns you can expect to see – and this is entirely up to you.
Any other major questions about Multi-Level Marketing that I’m missing?
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Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.