Journal Club 12-21-17
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Every other week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After manually filtering through the millions of articles out there on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this month.
Here’s our Journal Club for the week, enjoy!
- I wanted to start this post off by congratulating Our Next Life on their early retirement! Looks like they've got some plans laid out for their first year on this journey, which you can read about in their latest post, “We Retired Early! Our Next Life Begins”
- Physician on Fire also got “A Preview of Life After FIRE” on his recent trip to Guanajuato, Mexico. And it sounds like he could get used to it!
- Doctors, do you know What's Your White Coat Net Worth? Check out how Future Proof MD tracks his. (His method might look familiar to some White Coat Investor readers)
- I've mentioned our struggle with frugality before, but according to The Frugal Gene, there are some cases where the math doesn't add up. Find out what those cases are in the “3 Signs When Frugality Isn't Worth It & What to Do” (I especially like the last bit of advice)
- With the tax extension deadline approaching, Understanding Your Own Tax Return is going to be absolutely critical in avoiding mistakes. Even if you have a professional preparing them for you, you're not going to want to miss this post from the White Coat Investor that takes you through it step by step.
- I love this post from Tawcan, where he shares a simple, creative and practical way to build your dividend portfolio. See how he's doing it in “Building My Dividend City”
- Last spring, I asked all of you “How Much Is Your Time Worth?” and there were some pretty surprising answers. This week, The Mini Millionaire explored a similar concept in “The Stark Reality of How Much You Actually Earn Per Hour.”
- Around this time of year, corporations usually take stock of their performance, so why don't we do the same? See what Chief Mom Officer has in mind in Wrapping Up A Work Year – Take Stock and Plan
- I may be ever so slightly biased, but this post from Smart Money MD is a great reminder for doctors about Correlating Expenditures with Happiness.
A little bit of motivation below. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.