Journal Club 8-20-21 - Passive Income M.D.

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Journal Club 8-20-21

August 20, 2021 • 3 Min Read

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Here's Journal Club 8/20/21! Every week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After filtering through the articles on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this week. Be safe and stay well!

  • You're probably familiar with the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad; what was your biggest takeaway? According to the Debt Free Doctor, it's “The Rich Don't Work For Money.” That's a strong message not meant to discourage you from doing what you love but to get to a point where you work only because you want to, not to earn your next paycheck. The author discusses this point and more in the article, How to make passive income with vacation rental property, for those interested in building passive income streams through real estate investing. 
  • Have you noticed that the traffic has almost gone back to how it was pre-pandemic as the world around us is coming out of the pandemic? Stocks and the single-family residential market have had a great run, and there hasn't been a more opportune time to invest in commercial real estate, according to the author of Financial Samurai. The author looks at the best types of investment properties to buy and the Best places to invest in commercial real estate in 2021 and beyond. Do check it out.
  • If you're wondering how one can create cash flow from real estate before making a sale as real estate is an illiquid asset, then you might find some answers to that question in this post, Real estate crowdfunding with a cash flow focus. Growing inclination toward online crowdfunding has allowed accredited investors to “have it all,” from ongoing cash flow to equity investment, property appreciation, and more. Realty Mogul is one such crowdfunding platform offering a gamut of real estate opportunities ranging from loans to equity stakes in large commercial properties. Interested in learning more? Give this a read. 
  • I'm sure you've heard the term early-retirement or semi-retirement over and over now, but how about a mini-retirement? The author of Afford Anything thinks a mini-retirement is an exciting concept that'll encourage you to pursue your passions even if they make zero financial sense. For a good reason, the author believes in the “both/and mentality, rather than an either/or approach.” Having life-changing experiences at the right time in your life is as important as the experience itself. And the ultimate goal of creating multiple passive income streams to enjoy that lifestyle is explained in detail in the article, Mini-retirements, semi-retirement, early retirement – what's the most awesome lifestyle?

That's all for this week. I hope this week's journal club was helpful.

Read any interesting articles this week? Please comment below!

Thank you for reading and sharing!


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Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.

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