#133 Roadmap To Your IDEAL Life
In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim passes on to you his roadmap or system that helped him create his IDEAL life. The IDEAL roadmap to success is broken down into an acronym to help you pursue success.
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Episode Highlights
Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:
- Identify your ideal life
- Determine how to achieve your ideal life
- Educate yourself and execute your plan
- Assess and adjust the plan routinely
- Leverage yourself in order to accelerate your plan
Episode Breakdown
I – Identify
D – Determine
E – Educate & Execute
A – Asses & Adjust
L – Leverage
For many doctors, starting the med school journey, you had a clear idea of what you wanted. Then when you completed med school, residency, your fellowship, and became an attendee… Many of us stopped dreaming about our ideal life and succumbed to letting life float us down the river.
Have you thought about what your ideal life would look like?
How are you spending your time, energy, and money?
What does success look like for you?
What is your why?
Set your goals based on what you want to achieve in life? How much money do you want to make? How do you want to spend your money? What do you want to be doing with your time?
By creating SMART goals
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Realistic
T – Timeframe
You also need the right mindset to get it done! Success comes from 20% strategy and 80% mindset. Is there a limiting belief that holds you back?
Finally, determine why that you are pursuing these goals. Identify who and what you are doing all this for.
It is important to not only know where you want to be… but also where you are starting at, then you can determine your roadmap to get there.
Ask yourself, are you living your ideal life? Are you happy with your income? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you happy with the trajectory you are on?
Take inventory on how much you are working, what is your income, the different sources of income you have. Look at the past 12 months of expenses, net worth, investments, assets, liabilities, properties… by pulling it all together, you can look at what you have and how you can use that to get to the next level.
We have so much information out there that we are drowning for wisdom. By placing yourself in community with others, you can educate yourself with people who know are doing things how you want to achieve it. There are courses and conferences that are curated for you in a way that makes sense for your current situation.
So often we keep thinking about things without ever taking action. We get stuck in analysis paralysis. Taking action is the difference that puts you on the road map to success. Learn to take quick action after doing the due diligence.
Nothing happens according to plan, learn to course correct to get where I want to be. Personally, every three months, Peter assesses his portfolio and adjusts as needed to keep moving in the right direction.
Take time to celebrate your wins along the way.
It’s time to take action and you get out-sized amazing results.
To accelerate your efforts, you need to model someone, find out what they did, what they learned, what they would do differently, what their resources are. How do they spend their time and money? What is their mindset? Utilize all this to shortcut where you want to be.
The other way to leverage yourself is by putting yourself in a community of people who are trying to achieve the same things that you are trying to achieve. There is so much shared knowledge that happens when like-minded people come together. Use the wisdom of the crow. Proximity is power. You are the average of the 5 people you spend your time with, doing the right things, and who will help each other get to where you want to go.
You can use this roadmap for your personal life, side hustle, transition, or personal goals.