#179 My 3 Takeaways From PIMDCON 2023 ft. Peter Kim, MD. - Passive Income MD Shop

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#179 My 3 Takeaways From PIMDCON 2023
Episode #179

#179 My 3 Takeaways From PIMDCON 2023 ft. Peter Kim, MD.

In this episode, Dr. Peter Kim shares his 3 takeaways as he recalls the recent success of PIMDCON 2023. Tune in to learn how to get the best value from conferences and how to take action when opportunities arise.

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14.09 Min • October 2

Episode Highlights

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • The Magic of PIMDCON23
  • Takeaway 1: Diverse Backgrounds and Aspirations
  • Takeaway 2: Building Connections
  • Takeaway 3: Taking Action
  • What’s Next? Passive Real Estate Academy

Here’s a breakdown of how this episode unfolds.


Episode Breakdown


The Magic of PIMDCON23

Dr. Peter Kim recalls the success of PIMDCON 2023, sharing that it brought together a community of like-minded and ambitious individuals in the real estate investing and entrepreneurship fields. He furthers by recounting how the conference focused on various topics and provided strategies for taking advantage of the current economy. 

Peter saw significant growth in attendance compared to the previous year, the speaker lineup was diverse, and there was a lot of energy and collaboration among participants. 

“It’s really cool to get people together in a room, there’s always magic that happens… when like-minded people, ambitious individuals get together in a room and start sharing opportunities, experiences, and are there just to serve one another.”   — Peter Kim, MD.


Takeaway 1: Diverse Backgrounds and Aspirations

Peter Kim shares his first takeaway, that being the diversity of backgrounds and aspirations among the community that attended the conference. He shares that people from various stages of life, including those finishing residency and nearing retirement, as well as individuals with different levels of expertise in real estate and entrepreneurship come together for this annual event.

He was impressed that despite the diversity of stories, goals, and backgrounds, they all had the common desire to take control over their lives and have freedom, making the conference a valuable experience for each of them.

“Every single person that I talked to had a story. It was relatively unique. They come from similar backgrounds, but there was something special about their story that helped them get where they are today. And they all had different aspirations for where they wanted to be. I think there’s a common theme, we all want control of our lives. We want control of our time. We want that freedom”  — Peter Kim, MD.


Takeaway 2: Building Connections

Dr. Peter continues with his second insight, how conferences like PIMDCON 2023 offer doctors an opportunity to connect and create communities. The event highlighted the instant bond between doctors and the ability to be vulnerable and supportive in these kinds of events. 

He also mentions the opportunity to meet experts and gather resources, as well as the value of small group sessions for sharing experiences, stressing that the overall goal is to create communities that provide help, connection, and shared resources for doctors with similar interests and aspirations.

“Doctors are awesome connectors, you’re great at building connections, we do it all day with our patients in short periods of time. But what happens when you get other doctors with other doctors, there’s this instant bond.”  — Peter Kim, MD.


Takeaway 3: Taking Action

Dr. Peter shares his last takeaway, that knowledge alone is not enough, and action is where true power lies. He stresses that taking action is essential to unlock the potential of knowledge and he encourages them to take that action by writing down some practical steps.

He looks back that during the event, several people expressed renewed motivation to start their own startups or invest in real estate and how many participants also signed up for the Passive Real Estate Academy to learn how to get involved in real estate deals. 

“One of the cool stories I heard was that somebody came to me during the final party, and said that their offer had been accepted. I said, when did you put in the offer, she said on the first day of the conference, she decided to put in an offer when we challenged people to take action. And by the end of the conference, they were in escrow for their very first property. I thought that was so cool and amazing.”  — Peter Kim, MD.


What’s Next? Passive Real Estate Academy

 Dr. Peter Kim closes by inviting everyone to join the Passive Real Estate Academy (PREA), our revolutionary platform that teaches you how to invest in real estate passively, with little or no effort in just four weeks. The comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to know about passive real estate investing and help build that confidence in you so that you know that you’re making a great investment choice. 

“I just want to let you know our passive Real Estate Academy, our fall courses are beginning now, we only do this once or twice a year, a cohort is open for people to join passive Real Estate Academy and be part of our community learning how to vet deals together and utilize passive real estate like syndications to get where you want to be.” — Dr. Peter Kim

We talk in depth about all of this and more in our course–Passive Real Estate Academy. Want to learn everything about investing in real estate with confidence? You can grab your seat right here!   

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