#93: Investing in Farmland for Passive Cash Flow ft. Artem Milinchuk

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Investing in Farmland for Passive Cash Flow
Episode #93

#93 Investing in Farmland for Passive Cash Flow, ft. Dr. Artem Milinchuk

Artem Milinchuk has over 10 years of finance experience in food, agriculture, and farmland.

36 Min • February 7

Episode Highlights

Artem Milinchuk has over 10 years of finance experience in food, agriculture, and farmland. Prior to founding FarmTogether, Artem was employee #1 and CFO/VP of Operations at Full Harvest Technologies, a now post-Series A B2B platform for buying and selling produce.

He previously worked at Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Sprott Resource Holdings, E&Y, and PwC. Artem holds an MBA from The Wharton School and a BA and MA in Economics from the Higher School of Economics.

Now, let’s look at what we discussed in this episode:

  • What inspired FarmTogether?
  • What is farmland investing?
  • What does the market look like in farmland investing?
  • What are the typical returns for farmland investing?
  • How do you choose which farms to invest in?
  • Risks in farmland investing

Episode Breakdown


It’s actually one of the biggest real estate sectors. It is huge. There are about 2 million farms out there, split between pasture land, permanent crops, and raw crops.


Farmland really has in the last 30 years only 2-3 quarters when the index went slightly down. So there are a few cases where farmland even decreased in price because again there’s such a stable long-term asset. And that’s because again it comes back to the point that we all need to eat. There’s a limited amount of land and it’s decreasing and the population is increasing.

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